Animal Ark Wildlife Sanctuary is home to animal residents from all walks of life, feathered or fur covered. We care for our animal residents for the duration of their lives and their needs may alter as an animal grows in size or age. There are a variety of ways to support our cause, including gifting items from one of our wishlists.
Explore some of our wishlists below, ranging from toys and enrichment items to office supplies!
Amazon features a wide range of some of the necessary products Animal Ark needs for both general operation and animal enrichment.
Chewy is your one stop shop for all things pets and a proud supporter of Animal Ark. Explore some of our Chewy wishlist items via the link below.
Wildlife ToyBox leads in unique enrichment for exotic animals. Our Animal Keepers gathered requests from our residents, and they are ready to PLAY!
Otto Environmental
Otto Environmental features specialty enrichment items perfect for our smaller animal friends. Check out these items at the link below.

supply donations:
Animal Ark is always in need of the following items and we greatly appreciate your support!
These items can be donated during a visit, or a donation drop off can be scheduled with our guest services.
Fresh, organic produce such as apples, pears, bananas, etc. Pumpkins can be a great seasonal item, however we can only feed them to certain animals and they must be uncarved.
Meat donations are accepted on a case by case basis. We do not accept spoiled or expired meat, or any pork or rabbit variants. Please contact Guest Services if you are looking to donate meat to our facility.
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