i n l o v i n g m e m o r y…
Animal Ark residents remain with our facility for the duration of their lives, given the highest in quality care and treatment.
The following animals may no longer be with us, but will always be in the hearts of their animal keepers and the community who loved them.
Unknown - October 2024
Common Name: Turkey Vulture
Scientific Name: Cathartes aura
Ivy the turkey vulture was a true ambassador for her species, with her quirky and cute nature, dispelling mis-information about scavengers.
Although it took her quite a while to come out of her shell, it was a pleasure to watch her blossom into a mischievous and playful bird. She will be deeply missed by her keepers, past and present.
December 5th, 2020 - September 18th, 2023
Common Name: Cheetah
Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
Tambo arrived at Animal Ark with his two brothers in 2021 as a species ambassador. Tambo's sweet and independent personality made him a joy to watch during the cheetah events at Animal Ark. He unfortunately carried the FHV, which eventually decreased his quality of life. He will be deeply missed by the Cheetah Team of Animal Ark, as well as the community.
Unknown - April 29th, 2023
Common Name: Coyote
Scientific Name: Canis latrans
A rancher found Sadie and her sister Amelia as orphaned coyote pups in Fallon and turned them over to the Nevada Department of Wildlife. After a quarantine the pups were given over to the care and custody of Animal Ark. Since the two-week-old pups had to be bottle-fed, they lost their fear of humans and have learned to depend upon people. Sadie and her sister were wonderful coyote ambassadors for their species.
Unknown - December 6th, 2022
Common Name: Merlin
Scientific Name: Falco columbarius
Maverick the merlin was known to be under stress when near people, so for her overall health her enclosure was moved behind the scenes.
Maverick was injured after hitting a window resulting in head trauma and a wing injury that did not heal properly. The rehabilitation facility (Monterey County SPCA) housing the merlin contacted Animal Ark about permanent placement and Maverick arrived on May 6th, 2018.
2003 - October 29th, 2021
Common Name: Bobcat
Scientific Name: Lynx rufus
Whiston arrived at Animal Ark on January 17, 2006 upon which it was confirmed he could safely be housed with Piper, a female from the same location. Whiston unfortunately originally came from a zoo that offered him for sale to a private individual. Like all wild animals, bobcats do not make good pets. He lived a long and happy life with Piper at Animal Ark.
Spring of 1999 - February 28th, 2021
Common Name: Lynx
Scientific Name: Lynx canadensis
Animal Ark’s first encounter with Legend was in early 2000 when he was presented to the sanctuary after confiscation by California Fish and Game due to illegal possession. He had been initially purchased as a pet from a breeder in eastern Nevada. Legend was a lover of sunshine and sweet summer naps. An Animal Ark favorite, it was difficult to say goodbye to Legend in February of 2021. He lived a long and loved life, and will be deeply missed by keepers and guests alike.
June 2007 - November 13th, 2020
Common Name: Mountain Lion
Scientific Name: Puma concolor
Milo came to Animal Ark after being found on February 5, 2008, at only 7 months old. It was suspected he had been hit by a car on Kingsbury Grade near Lake Tahoe. Milo suffered a traumatic experience early in his life, but after being brought to Animal Ark, was given the care and attention needed to thrive. While elusive as most cougars are, he could often be found sunbathing in his enclosure and was fond of long naps. Milo, unfortunately, passed away in November of 2020 of cancer and will be greatly missed.
May 2015 - April 20, 2020
Common Name: North American Porcupine
Scientific Name: Erethizon dorsatum
Max came to Animal Ark, having served as an aversion training porcupine to help dogs and dog owners understand and avoid conflict with wild porcupines. He came to the Ark with his roommate Quilber, and the two quickly became staff and guest favorites for their sweet dispositions and adorable tendencies. Max loved his training sessions and was seen as very intelligent by all of his animal keepers. He loved going for walks about the park. Max underwent a needed medical procedure in April of 2020 and was unable to recover from the anesthesia. He was deeply loved by keepers and guests alike.
Early July 2011 - March 27, 2020
Common Name: Mountain Lion
Scientific Name: Puma concolor
At noon on October 17, 2011, Animal Ark received a call about an orphaned 3½ month-old mountain lion kitten. That kitten was Daniel and was taken in by Animal Ark after having been found in the wild alone, his mother and siblings had died. His family was being monitored for research purposes by a UNR Ph.D. candidate conducting a long-term study on mountain lion ecology, which in turn allowed the researcher to alert wildlife management authorities of the kitten’s situation. Daniel was a notoriously lazy with a love for long naps and cool summer breezes.
June 19, 2005 - February 4th, 2021
Common Name: Cheetah
Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
Moyo came to Animal Ark from South Africa, as a part of the Dewalt Cheetah Trust, a conservation partner looking to preserve and conserve cheetahs in the wild. Moyo was an incredible ambassador for the cheetah species, leaving a positive and lasting impact on Animal Ark’s guests. Moyo passed in January of 2021, from cancer. Moyo was perhaps best known for his high-speed cheetah runs, with his elegant stride and incredible training. Loving long summer naps and his grooming of his brother were his favorite pastimes. Moyo will be missed dearly by all of the staff members but is now running forever with his brother Jamar, who passed within the months that followed.
2003 - June 22nd, 2024
Common Name: Bobcat
Scientific Name: Lynx rufus
Piper arrived at Animal Ark after being previously owned as an exotic pet. Bobcats are not ideal house pets, and she was better suited to life at Animal Ark alongside her companion Whiston. Piper loved hard boiled eggs and catnip. Piper was 21 years old before she passed on and her trainers will miss her dearly.
June 19, 2005 - February 4th, 2021
Common Name: Cheetah
Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
Jamar came to Animal Ark from South Africa, as a part of the Dewalt Cheetah Trust, a conservation partner looking to preserve and conserve cheetahs in the wild. Jamar was an incredible ambassador for the cheetah species, leaving a positive and lasting impact on Animal Ark’s guests. Jamar was perhaps best known for his high-speed cheetah runs which he completed with his brother Moyo. Jamar was a loving cheetah and certainly had his favorite keepers. Jamar will be missed dearly by all of the staff members but is now running forever with his brother Moyo, who also passed just a few months before his death.